Monday, April 16, 2012

Oprah, Oprah, Oprah....

Ok just to start I am not one to drink the Kool Aid but felt like this was worthy of a blog.

My dear friend Lynn invited me to go with her to Oprah's Lifeclass Tour @ Radio City Musical Hall and I graciously accepted.  Along with Oprah special guest would be Master Life coach Tony Robbins.

I personally have not seen any previous Lifeclass episodes and wasn't really sure what was in store for me. Basically what I had heard that these were tours that Oprah and guest motivators do to help people reach their fullest potential.

I was excited to go but not quite convinced that I would really get anything meaningful out of the experience except for hanging out with Lynn and experiencing Oprah.  For me things like "finding my inner self" and meditation and anything zen like really doesn't mix.  I think by nature my brain can't relax and its an impossibility for me to go to the "quiet place"

As Lynn and I entered Radio City Music Hall we were giddy with excitement.  Maybe this would be the the event that changed the direction of our lives, maybe Oprah and Tony had all the answers or maybe even better she was giving away cars!!!

As we made our way to our seats I do have to say that the energy was definitely exciting.  They had music blaring and the crowd was on their feet. 
At this point Tony Robbins came out and started to get the crowd motivated, he started with some exercises that basically made you interact with the strangers around you.  All I can say is that yes I was hugged and picked up by the woman sitting behind me.  If anyone really knows me the sheer fact that I let a total stranger touch me is progress in itself. 

Most of the people in the audience were 100% into this experience I watched them repeat every word they were told too, take notes, and let everything soak in.  People were posting to facebook and tweeting the entire 2 hours.  I did try to do the same but as I said I have a hard time jumping in 100% so I just looked around waiting for someone to pass me my red juice.

Once Oprah came out the crowd was on their feet and the next 2 hours was going to change some lives.  Oprah and Tony brought people on stage and worked with them to overcome their fears.  And by using these people were trying to get the message out their to all of us....

"We are telling ourselves stories.  The question is does your story empower you or hold you back"?

"You can't have real courage unless there is something you are really afraid of".
Courage is feeling the fear & doing it anyway.

"The only solution to fear is massive action".

"You can't wait for the perfect situation.  You've got to get out there and discover your passion."

While I didn't leave Radio City Music Hall as a new person with all the answers, I do have to say that the message makes sense to me.  Realize what holds you back and hit it head on.  Don't let "your story" (your excuse) be the reason that you say you can't succeed.  The only way to face the fears that hold you back is to change your story and move ahead.  Having the courage to face the fear will be the only way to get results.  And finally you can't sit back and wait for your perfect situation, it's trying new things and exploring that will uncover what it is that brings you passion.

So now that Oprah and Tony have enlightened me of the way to succeed overcoming my fears and being successful, I just have to figure out what is is I want to be when I grow up.