Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Au Revoir Assholes!!!

Well after weeks of blogging about Ben The Bachelor this season finally concluded last night with 3 hours of terribly horrific television.  The first 2 hours consisted of Ben saying how much he had fallen in love with these 2 woman and can picture a life with them.  Lindze saying over and over how happy she is to have fallen in love again, blah, blah, blah.  Bring in the terrible bachelor music, helicopter rides, Ben walking aimlessly around, snowy mountains of Switzerland....put me out of my misery.

I never truly understand the end of this show, you have to know who you are choosing before they show up in the helicopters, boats, limos whatever for the final decision.  Ben acted like he was torn 24 hours beforehand and poor Lindze just wouldn't stop talking when she finally got to him.  I yelled at the tv..."just shut up your making it worse he isn't choosing you"!!!  I do have to say she had the most cause to have the mental breakdown after being rejected but she held it together and for that I was proud.  Can you imagine if it was Kacie B. in her position, down to the final two and being rejected.  They would probably have to call the paramedics. And with that Lindze disappears for ever...I think it would have been fitting if they let her ride away on a horse.

Since we all basically knew that Ben was choosing Courtney it was no real surprise.  I have to say I thought she looked amazing but god she really is a disturbed individual.  Between a season of weird facial ticks, baby voices, "winnings", with a glass of wine in hand at all times she won The Bachelor's heart and got that amazing 3 carat Neil Lane cushion cut diamond.

The live show basically confirmed what I thought after last weeks "The Woman Tell All".  Ben chose Courtney but after watching the episodes realized what a psycho she was and he was humiliated.  Again I think he made her apologize.  We found out that they had broken up after the show started airing and Ben basically ignored her for weeks.  She even told us viewers she didn't even get a card or a carnation for Valentine's Day..poor Courtney.  Flash to the end Ben gives Courtney back her bling and they are going to see what happens because they are so in love.

Final thoughts...I do think Courtney psycho but I do think that she loves Ben.  I do think Ben is an asshole.  Have a happy life!!

At least since Ben owns a winery Courtney's glass will never be empty.

Bye Bye Bachelor


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