Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Don't Snuf My Sparkle!

We are getting down to the wire & tonight's episode and who gets the roses it of utmost importance.  The four girls who receive roses tonight will be bringing Sean home to meet their  families.

St. Croix looks like perfection..add it to the list of places to visit.  This week we will have 2 one on one dates and a group date.  Tierra has yet to have a one on one and she lets us know that right from the start.  Date card comes and first one on one goes to AshLee.  You can see the pure delight on her face and the utter annoyance on Tierra's.  Tierra lets it be known to the gals that at AshLee's age (a whopping 32) she will be married with a family...don't count on it you freak. Let the games begin....

Date 1 - Sean picks up AshLee and they take a boat to their own private Island.  AshLee strips down to her bikini and I have to say she looks amazing, Tierra should wish to look like her at 32.  Like I have said I like AshLee but she does seem a bit damaged.  Not saying that that is a reason for Sean not to choose her but she seems more serious than fun.  They frolic on the beach and water and have good chemistry.  

Sean straight up asks AshLee about Tierra and the drama in the house.  I want to emphasize that Sean ASKED AshLee and I will talk more about this later on.  She basically tells him that AshLee acts one way with them and another way with the girls.  That she separates herself and obviously has issues getting along with other woman.

At dinner AshLee nervously tells Sean that she needs to share something from her past that may send him running & her packing for home.  Lots of drama & the weird ass music that we have learned to love.  Was Ashlee a man? No just a rebellious teenager who married her high school boyfriend at 17 and divorced a year later.  Sean seemingly could give a rats ass and AshLee shouted to the sea that she was definitely in love with our bachelor.

Date 2 - Tierra finally get her date and she is none to pleased when her date card suggests she & Sean will be walking through town.  Little Miss Freaky whines about sweating & bugs she should be more focused on fixing that eyebrow of hers.  Sean & Tierra walk through St. Croix shopping, drinking and dancing in the streets.  Sean finally asks Tierra about the drama in the house and she immediately blames the girls and how they are rude and alienate her.  This girl can really manipulate a situation to her favor.   At this point I just want to punch Sean in the face is he really that dumb.  I know they don't get to see what is going on in the house but she has been a source of drama from the very start. And you can sense that during this conversation she is already thinking who is going to get the verbal lashing in the house for throwing her under the bus.

Group Date - Desiree, Catherine & Lindsey are woken by Sean at 4:45 am with camera in hand.  Not cool Sean, but these girls are fun and precisely why he probably chose them for this date.  Drama free he takes them on a road trip from one side of the island to the other.  Group dates are weird especially when the size is smaller, the girls need time with him.  I think Sean choose these three because he knew he had no questions on his feeling for them.  Lindsey gets the rose and seals her hometown date.

Date 3 - Lesley and Sean venture off for a nature walk picking avocados and I am not really sure what else.  This date is a big letdown. I like Lesley she is intelligent & witty but reserved when it comes to really opening up.  This is not the formula for being on The Bachelor, you have to be able to shout your love from the rooftops because you have a few short weeks to seal the deal.  I had to cover my eyes when it was obvious Lesley was struggling to be able to tell Sean she loved him, it was painful to watch.  I felt badly for her because she is logical and has feelings for him but knew it is ridiculous to tell him she loves him when it seems so rushed.  I knew right them her quest to be his wife had just ended.

Meanwhile back at the house Tierra decided to have a bitchfest with AshLee for telling Sean about her mental issues.  Sean meanwhile flew his sister in to give him some perspective on the final woman. As Tierra & AshLee are having their throw down Sean decides to go to the house and get Tierra to talk to his sister. I was waiting to have my own smackdown with Sean if he turned this on Ashlee.  He asked her about Tierra she didn't just tell him. Tierra is going ape shit on AshLee telling her how great she is and anyone would want to marry her and that she can't control her infamous eyebrow and that she won't let anyone put out her sparkle.  Oh is that what we call obnoxious bitch these days???

Sean finally comes to the house to see Tierra crying yet again.  Bam...Sean finally opens his squinty eyes and send Tierra packing. FINALLY!  Sorry psycho Sean just snuffed your sparkle.

Rose Ceremony - As I thought along with Lindsey, Desiree, Catherine & AshLee got roses and will bring Sean home to meet their families.  Poor Leslie was just to normal to go the distance.

Next week is hometown dates - always a good time had by all.  Desiree's brother seems sweet huh.

My predictions really haven't changed:

I see Lindsey & Catherine in the final 2.

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