Thursday, January 26, 2012

David Blaine

As I mentioned in my into blog there are certain things in my life that I am passionate about..well one of them at one time was David Blaine.  Yup, David Blaine the magician.  Flashback to November 27, 2000 ( this is dating me) I was working at the Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square.  It was announced that a Magician David Blaine would be having an event called "Frozen in Time".  I was intrigued.  David was going to be put in a block of ice outside ABC Studies which was next door to my building.  Well I looked up David Blaine thought he was cute and decided I had to see this for my own eyes.

David was going to be in a block of ice and try to stay in there for 72 hours, he was only going to have 6 inches all around him to move....this was going to be awesome.  So on the day of the event I of course dragged my friend Lynn with me to check this out.  This was going to be one of my many visits to David while i chain smoked.  So Lynn and I went over and there he his icy prison.  I was instantly connected to David (kind of like imprinting...if you know what that means)!!!

In the next 63 hours, 42 minutes and 15 seconds that David lasted in this icy prison I would visit him a couple of times a day, just smoking and looking at him.  I swear I felt like he knew I was there and that he was looking at me too.  I of course dragged Lynn with me most of the time, I can't remember if she actually cared about David like I did but I knew she knew how important he was to me.  Even as I sat at my desk working I knew he was in there, cold and alone.  So I assumed that if I kept going back and he saw a familiar face he could make his goal.  This was probably b/c I was so satisfied at my job that some weirdo magician would occupy my every thought.

David started struggling at the 63 hour mark and they had to cut him from the ice...I was frantic he was wrapped in towels and delirious.  They had to take him away in an ambulance to make sure he wasn't going into shock.  Thankfully he recovered and thus began my obsession with everything David Blaine.

As the years went by David started fading from my radar but at that time he was one of those things that if blogging was around back then you would be reading about him everyday instead of The Bachelor.

Lynn may recall some of these details better than me since I believe her brain retains every conversation and event that we have been through together for the last 13 years we have been friends.

Below are some photos of David from "Frozen in Time" and what i looked at for 63 hours...




  1. I can't see your pictures, the links don't work! --Bemused in Washington, D.C.

  2. I am not sure why you can't see the pics, maybe its your computer??
