Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stick me please..Acupuncture fun!

Well after months of deliberation I finally decided to bite the bullet and try Acupuncture.  This has been recommended to me from many of my Doctors and friends.

I personally was pessimistic since I didn't think I could drink the Kool Aid they offer.  But then again when you feel like crap on a normal basis you are willing to try anything including Voodoo Magic.  So I made my first appointment with a lady I will call Dr. Cha Cha Digregorio.  I made sure to let several people know exactly where I was going and what time I was to be finished, this was in case Dr. Cha Cha decided to chain me to a wall and stick needles in my eyes.  This goes along with my huge distrust of people and my relinquishment of control.

So I show up for my appointment trying to keep an open mind and go through all the paperwork, my illnesses, medications & ailments.  Even before we begin Dr. Cha Cha sums up that I am a big mess.  She tell me I need to strip down to my undies and tank top ( for future reference wear full underwear next visit).  She explains to me which areas she will focus on today and begins to quickly stick me with the needles.  Can I feel them yes, are they painful..well some.  I am not against needles, I have numerous tattoos and get my blood drawn and IV treatments every 6 weeks but ts was very different.  This was some lady I didn't know shoving metal needles all over my body, how am I supposed to relax if I wasn't sure she was puncturing my liver or carotid artery.  Also the fact that I couldn't move an inch, or inhale/exhale deeply without feeling them made this difficult.  

At this point she proceeded to set the needles in my stomach on fire or something.  Because I had the inability to see whats going on but saw the smoke rising fro my stomach.  Sure at this point I was so far removed from relaxing.  I'm sitting in my underwear with 50 needles and a fire coming off my stomach.  

As she left me to find my inner zen all I could think about was that I willingly paid money for this.  She finally came back in to remove these little buggers from my tense body.  As she is doing so she is letting me know just what a hot mess I really am.  Against my better judgement I sign up for another appointment, Why?  Because so many people said I can't base it off the first appointment, so I am letting go and trying to trust this process.  

I go back Saturday and hoping this time I can get past the fact that I know what is going to happen.  So I am going back in hoping to drink the Kool Aid and wearing proper knickers!!!

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