Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bite Me Edward!!

This past weekend Breaking Dawn Part 1 was released.  Ahhh the Twilight Saga -  Edward, Bella & Jacob.  If you know me at all you are aware that when I like something I am in 100%, whether this is clothes, food, music, tv, movies, etc..  When I feel passionately about something I really want someone I am sharing this with to get it as much as I do.

When I was first introduced to the Twilight Saga in February of 2008 I was skeptical that this would hold my interest, boy was I sorely mistaken.  5 days, 4 books and about 2500 pages later I had completed the Saga and started my decent into the madness of "Twilight"  Myself, my sister-in-law Laura, and my sister in laws sister in laws (follow along - Beth & Ally would start an almost 5 year plan that including seeing the movies together, buying the dvd's when released and watching them together.  Yes we were those "older" woman who purchased our tickets on Fandango to see the movie the weekend it was released.  But being more mature and smarter than the rest we would purchase tickets for Saturday morning for the earliest showing.  To us this was genius since we knew that the teenagers who would be seeing this movie would never get up at 8 am on a Saturday and since probably most of them didn't have their drivers license yet there was no way their parents were getting up to drive them.  God were smart.

People are either all in with the Saga or can't understand how "we" are invested in this series.  All I can tell you is that once you read the books ( the movies are not strong enough on their own) you will understand.  And for me personally reading the books and picturing Robert Pattinson as Edward certainly helped the cause. These books were like crack to me, non-stop reading till the bitter end.  When  i was finished reading the books it actually was depressing that it was over.  I actually got jealous when people were reading the series for the first time.

Like I said when I like something I am all in.  I go through phases of cycles for example food, I ate the same sandwich 5 days a week everyday I worked when I lived in San Diego.  Grilled chicken with melted cheese and extra mayo on a roll.  At one point I started making pasta salad and would eat that religiously.  I never get bored of eating the same thing.  If I like a song I can listen to it 500 times in a row, if I like a movie I can watch that 500 times in a row (take "A Walk to Remember" )  I watched this movie almost 3x a week for like 6 months and cried every time.  I also want people to not only watch but to love something as much as I do, I can't tell you how many people I made watch this movie.  I was actually pissed when my friend Annemarie didn't cry.  I mean she must not have been paying attention or something was wrong with her.

Which brings me to another topic, when I am watching these movies of tv shows I am completely immersed in them.  I want to catch every detail.  Whomever is watching these with me has a job to do, keep your mouth shut.  This is an example of a situation that is not appropriate around me....I sit down to watch this weeks Vampire Diaries, in walks my husband who has never seen the show.  "So are they like Edward, do they sparkle in the sun"?  I don't look up.  "Do they both like that Elena chick?" I still don't look up but I am starting to get annoyed and distracted by his ramblings.  "Do their eyes change colors too when they need to feed?"  With this I burst into my tirade that I too am watching this episode for the first time and the shows producers didn't send me the script in advance.  I don't have special powers that allow me to hear over your annoying voice but I wish I did to make you disappear right now.

When we went to see Eclipse in the movie theater we brought a "friend" who shall remain nameless.  This story is what you shouldn't do when you go to a movie with me.  This "friend" decides to buy popcorn and a LARGE coke.  Halfway through the movie tells me that they have to use the bathroom.  I don't even look up because I am trying to understand why they are talking to me in the first place but how could you possibly go to the bathroom and miss part of the movie.  Off my "friend" goes to the bathroom.  Once returned this "friend" says, "so what did I miss?"  Big mistake, this "friend" will never come to the theater with me again.  End of story.

But I did allow this friend to watch the Breaking Dawn dvd with me this past weekend.  Another mistake, this "friend" asked repeatedly what was going to happen next.  People like this don't deserve to watch movies and tv shows with people like me.  I am all for answering questions and explaining complicated plots to people who obviously can't focus but it will be on commercial breaks of after the film is over.  No exceptions.

So next time you want to watch a movie or TV show with me, I'll hand you a piece of paper and a pen and you can write your questions down and we can discuss at the conclusion.  

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