Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Panama City Baby!!!

Ben and his remaining girls arrive in Panama City for this leg of their journey to everlasting undying love.  Ben chooses Kacie B. for the one on one date, off they go on the infamous helicopter to a deserted island and do their best CASTAWAY impressions.  I definitely think Ton Hanks could have also survived with a stuffed animal and gummi bears.  As I have said before Kacie is sweet but I haven't really felt any real connection to her.  I think her telling Ben about her eating disorder finally gave her substance.  It is nice to know that she isn't just a Sweet Home Alabama girl.

Group Date:
Yes we all know group dates blow and that Courtney/Sybil thinks she is above these types of dates and will make them one on ones. Ben in a loin cloth was absurd...Courtney/Sybil shaking her ta ta's around the village even more absurd.  She is tacky and awful and I really dislike her.  Sorry I have to say this in every blog whenever possible.  Actual Hate!!!  Courtney/Sybil tries to turn this date into a one on one by telling Ben her room # and suggesting a rendezvous.  Always trying to one up the other girls and offering herself up.  Ben being a no show was awesome and I loved it,  loved watching her get ready, putting lip gloss on her crooked lips only to be left sitting in her chair alone.  But Courtney being Courtney tries to pull the sympathy card and say that this seems to happen to her with men things start good then...well b/c your a psycho and after they get over the novelty of your body they realize your personality is as exciting as dirt.  Her feigning sadness is only because she got stood up and she didn't want to look like a fool.  Nice to see her pushed down a bit.

Two on One Date
Next up Rachel and Blakely have to go through the dreaded date in which at the end one of these woman gets the boot.  Blakely was over the moon to have this date, full of confidence and positivity.  The 3 of them will be taking salsa lessons and with Blakely's intensive training in dance she feels super confident.  Dressed in their best "Dancing with the Stars" outfits the girls each took turns dancing with Ben while the other just stood and watched.  Sounds like such a fun date..this date sucks.  Blakely used her background in dance to basically maul Ben by wrapping herself all around him and gyrating against him.  So classy!!

With her private time alone with Ben Blakely wanted to show/tell Ben how much she cared for him Oh My...the SCRAPBOOK.  This grown woman put together a scrapbook with pictures and words showing Ben what their lives would be together if they were together and she lived with him.  Ben looked as horrified as I was watching this.  A scrapbook...a stalker...a mad woman!!  Ben had no choice but to send her on her way.  I too would have chosen a snaggle tooth Rachel over this Glen Close mess any day.  She too will have to take some xanax or something to be able to watch this episode with any diginity.

Chris Harrison comes to the girls and asks to speak to Casey, he tell her has has heard from "sources" that she is in love with someone back home.  Casey of course feigns shock and denies this.  Chris using his detective like resources manages to get her to confess all in a matter of minutes.  Again like I have said many of these woman are not rocket scientists.  Casey starts to blabber "yes I love him but he won't marry me so I thought I would come on this show because I know Ben wants to get married so maybe someone will marry me" Huh ok Casey time to confess all to Ben..awkward walk with Chris to Ben's room.  Ben of course is none to pleased, he lectures Casey how he had to send girls home who truly wanted to be there with him..like Glen Close, I mean Blakely.  He sends her packing and we get to enjoy her limo ride where she is hysterically weeping that she wants to be married.  Blink of an eye and you are gone!

Jaime oh Jaime, last week I didn't even know who you were and this week I wish this was still true.  The most uncomfortable awkward attempt of seduction I have ever seen.  This was so painful to watch and I am not really sure how she will recover watching this on television.  Absolutely horrifying!

Emily's attempt to apologize to Courtney/Sybil was rebuffed.  I actually get why she  did it obviously to please Ben and make peace in the house for herself, but I would and could never have done this.  Courtney/Sybil being her usual obnoxious shrew of a person basically told her to go scratch.  I assume she doesn't care if she has any friends in the house because I can't imagine she has any true friends outside this show.

We got to end tonight's journey with Emily rapping again...why?? Why would you do this on television, no why would you do this at all?  This is not funny, it's not cute your not good at it, it's long and absurd.  Your Mouth..please keep it shut and maybe you too will get a magical helicopter ride.

Next week it seems that finally Ben confronts Courtney...this will defintely be entertaining but I know she will prevail and we will have to endure her twisted shrew like presence for the rest of this journey of love...

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