As this season of The Bachelor is winding down with six girls left this episode is key. The girls and Ben are in Belize this week. The four remaining girls who get roses this episode will be bringing Ben to their hometowns and to meet their families. Of course this means this is the most important week yet and the girls really need to to open up to Ben and let them know how they really feel about him. The scary part is that Courtney/Sybil is still in the running to be Ben's bride.
The first one-on-one date is with Lindze...flash to magical helicopter ride and then a jump into a 500 ft ocean abyss. First of all I couldn't even think of getting into a helicopter that has no doors but them to be told I have to jump into this bottomless whole for no apparent reason...terrible idea, terrible date! I mean really who does Ben think he is making all these girls do the most ridiculous things that they are scared of to try and win his heart.
I do like Lindze she seems sincere and nice and good-natured and I think they could be a good match, I just haven't seen the "aha" moment yet.
Emily gets the next date and I actually really like Emily. I think she has a funny personality a bit witty and think she may actually be to humorous for serious Ben. The thing I don't like about Emily is her clothes. I think almost everything she puts on his horrendous.
Courtney/Sybil who threatened to leave if Ben didn't give her a date of course gets her way and gets the final single date. As she rubs it in the other girls faces with her chipmunk teeth I actually feel my dinner start to crawl up! Her voice, her body language her unjustified confidence makes me crazy. She has the gall to say that Ben needs to "Step his game up". Courtney/Sybil again uses her web to turn the tables on Ben so that he is convincing her to wait it out with him. Ben..why Ben, why are you so dumb? I want to punch you in the face.
At dinner you would think that Ben would finally smarten up and see this selfish psycho for who she really is. Instead he spews some crap about how he saw his past, present and future with her on their trek up the ruins. Ben you are ruined for life if you choose Courtney. Ben still doesn't really see how twisted she is when she basically goes on a tirade of how she doesn't like the other girls because they are boring and mean to her. This is justified proof that this person really is Sybil and medication is needed. Maybe for both of them.
Of course Courtney/Sybil has to gloat about her "win" and remarks for the cameras. "Snap girls, the show's over." "You can all go home now. Pack your bags." The finale of this rant is moving her hands like she is shooting the girls down. I literally want to throw something at the tv. On another note I think she is drunk like 80% of the show, always with a drink in her hand and slurring her words. I know a lot about this.
The group date is with Kacie B, Nicki and Snaggle tooth (Rachel) who get woken at 4:00 am already a crap ass way to start a date. What's in store for these lucky ladies who got up at the crack of ass...shark diving!!! I have nothing to say about this date worst one at this point. I would have put the bait down Ben's pants.
Kacie B and Nicki try to open Ben's eyes about Courtney/Sybil and tell him to"Tread Lightly", Ben's infamous words to Emily. Touche!!
At the rose ceremony Ben asks to speak to Courtney and asks her if she is here for the right reasons. Really Ben, do you think after weeks of lies and manipulation, getting naked and being drunk everyday she would show you her true colors and blow it now. Ben sends Snaggle tooth and Emily home. I really want to punch Ben in the face. You idiot.
Next week hometown dates...I have a feeling Courtney's family is probably as stuck up as she is.
And P.S., I don't understand how a grown woman actually utters the phrase "See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!
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