Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What the F@!# Just Happened???

Hometown Dates Week Y'all!!!

This week was the all important hometown dates.  Ben travels to the four remaining ladies hometowns and get to meet their families.  I don't know about anyone else but I would rather have to share a room with Courtney for a night then bring someone to my parents home as an adult.

First up Lindze, Ben travels to Florida for his visit gets greeted by Lindze on horseback just like their first introduction many many moons ( lol weeks) ago. They go horseback riding and this being Lindze's element it was nice to see her and Ben  and how seemingly natural it was for them.  Lindze's parents seemed like everyday normal people and I think it was sweet that they got married in the same place and Ben and Lindze's first date in San Francisco.  On a side not it made me chuckle that Lindze's dads name is Harry Cox..why? because I am immature.

Kacie B.

Well I have really liked Kacie B. throughout the season but as soon as the band started playing and I saw this grown woman twirling a baton I knew things would turn south quickly.  The first time she did this on their first date was cute this time around it was embarrassing.  From here things went from bad to worse, boring talk at the football field about her grandfather being into the community blah blah blah...go away.  Then her semi -warning to Ben about her overprotective parents..Alert Alert..Red Flag!!!  I don't really understand overprotective parents once you are in your mid twenties, maybe if she was getting into a relationship while on celebrity rehab but this is The Bachelor.  Loved the irony that her dad doesn't drink while Ben is a wine-maker, and unless you can't drink for medical reasons or addiction this scares me.  So Ben meets Kacie B.'s parents and right away you could tell that Ben was uncomfortable , the mom telling him that she does not approve of them living together even if he chooses her and they are engaged.    So no shacking up Ben.  Thanks mom and Dad you just signed Kacie  B up for the limo ride walk of shame.  Assholes!!

Hee Haw it's off to Texas to meet up with Nicki.  I really wasn't feeling Nicki up to this point but I liked this date.  Nicki and Ben went shopping for cowboy gear, who doesn't love shopping and dressing up.  Nicki was very open about her divorce and Ben has said he appreciates the honesty.   It was  also great to see Nicki's family getting along so well even though her parents have been divorced for some time.  I have to admit I too like Ben really liked Nicki's dad and felt sad for him that he blamed herself for her first marriage failing.  Nicki made sure that Ben knew how she felt about him before he left.  Nicki seems mature and put together but ultimately I don't think that Ben will choose her.

Final Date...Crazytown, AZ.  Ben and Courtney's hometown date we definitely see another side to her when she is with her family.  She seems sincere regarding her feelings for Ben but one can never tell if she is being truthful or just has her eye on the prize and will play it for the cameras and to "win".  I found out where she gets her annoying baby voice and body ticks from since her mother spewed out the same annoying tone.  The family seemed a bit fake and a tad stepford like.  Courtney then decided to take Ben to a park where she told him she always dreamed of getting married and decided they would have a faux wedding.  This was incredibly awkward and to me juvenile especially watching Courtney fidget like and 8 year old about to give a speech in front of the class.  She is bizarre.  

As much as each week I complain about evil Courtney/Sybil this season would be boring if she wasn't on it.  I mean who doesn't love a twisted evil psycho like the rest of us.  She is last seasons Bentley.

Rose Ceremony

With only four girls remaining and these dates being so personal because now family is involved this was going to get emotional.  Ben seemed genuinely nervous about hurting someone but this is how the show works he can't keep them all this show isn't called "Big Love".  So roses to Courtney, Lindze and Nicki...oh no Kacie B.  Anyone see when Nicki and Lindze are hugging her and Courtney doesn't know what to so on the side.

I thought that possibly Kacie B would be able to keep it together, nope I was dead wrong.  Not only did we have the sobbing in the limo but our sweet sweet Kacie B was yelling into the camera, "What the F@$% just happened? and again "What the f#$!@ just happened?   

You know what happened Kacie B.  your parents just screwed you big time!!

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